Windsor Hyundai

Multi-Year Accessibility Plan


This Multi-Year Accessibility Plan (the “Plan”) is developed in accordance with the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005. The Plan describes the measures that 401 Auto RV Canada Inc. (“401”) will take over the next five (5) years to identify, remove and prevent barriers to people with disabilities who work, learn and participate within the 401’s environment including staff, volunteers and visitors.    


Statement of Commitment  

The 401 is committed to providing services that are free of barriers and biases. 401 strives to ensure that key principles of independence, dignity, integration and equality of opportunity are reflected and valued in our working environments. Our conduct will demonstrate our belief in the strength that diversity brings to our communities.  


It is the policy of 401 to provide an environment in all of its facilities that fosters independence, dignity and respect for everyone. We are committed to ensuring that people with disabilities have the same opportunity of access to our services in a similar way as these services are available to all others we serve. We are committed to meeting the accessibility needs of people with disabilities, in a timely manner, in the provision of services related to information, communication, employment, and in the accessibility to our facilities.  


Barriers to be addressed under the Plan  

401 intends, through this Plan to take action to address barriers to accessibility related to the Standards areas of current Regulations.  This is in addition to ongoing work 401 is undertaking with regards to identification and removal of barriers in 401’s physical environment.   


Review and Monitoring  

Each year, Human Resources will review progress and evaluate the effectiveness of implementation of barrier-removal and prevention strategies and will work closely with other departments to plan for increased accessibility throughout 401.  


Communication of the Plan  

The Plan will be posted on 401’s Intranet and on the Website (under “Accessibility”). It will be available in accessible format upon request. Questions, comments or feedback regarding the Accessibility Plan may be directed to:  


Ali Boyd, Human Resources Manager 

401 Auto RV Canada Inc. 


Or →”Contact Us’ 


Previous Achievements


Forward Looking Plan